Flash Mob Spectacular. Be Heard - Be Noticed - Be Fun
Over 100 dancers were put together to choreograph one of Malta's largest Flash Mobs to date. The idea was to increase sales (although hoping for this just the same), but to create awareness and build a relationship with potential customers and to bond even further with existing customers.
The Flash mob create a lot of hype amounts the general public. The Flash mob was followed through with PR through two national news stations & maltastar.com. Over and above, it was uploaded on various website and social media channels garnering around 8,000 views in total, which is the highest amount of views ever recorded for a Flash Mob in Malta.
The Flash mob create a lot of hype amounts the general public. The Flash mob was followed through with PR through two national news stations & maltastar.com. Over and above, it was uploaded on various website and social media channels garnering around 8,000 views in total, which is the highest amount of views ever recorded for a Flash Mob in Malta.